Travels with the Little Prince

VR Immersive Experience Design and Development | 3D Design and Production

Took charge of design, production and development Year: March 2016



Travels with the little prince is an experimental journey that allows people to change their daily routines through daydream like spaces that are reminiscent of themes inspired by the Little Prince stories. By immersing people in experiences and perspectives, we hope people will find the curiosity they once had and not forget the childlike joys of going through life.

This immersive Journey is dedicated to the curious child in your hearts.

Year: Mar 2016

 #VR Dev. @Unity @Oculus
#3D Work @Maya @Zbrush
#VR Design

Collaborated Work

Cooperated with Tonghe Wang, Colette Wong. Each of us takes fully charge of the design, interaction and development of our scene.

I took charge of the scene of the book(beginning and ending), the space scene, and the rose garden scene.



To experience it:

download here



  1. Brainstorming & Group discussion: come up with the idea of doing another version of <the little prince>; debate about first person point of view or third person point of view; debate about interaction way: 6DOF or 3DOF.

  2. User Research : using surveys to test some general ideas; conduct usability testing about different interaction ways, including: 6DOF, 3DOF, reticle triggering animation and etc..

  3. Concept design: sketching storyboard, writing script, choosing style.

  4. Development & Design: creating 3D assets for each scene, including model, texture and animation; importing 3D assets to unity, and write script(c#) in unity

  5. Testing and Iteration: we spent a lot of time in testing small design elements for making a comfortable and enjoyable experience in VR. According to our test, we iterate our script, model, animation, interaction and user flow.

  6. Playtesting: we invite students, professors and our friends to play our VR product and collect their feedback. According to their feedback, we iterate our product again.

  7. Final Show & Collect User Feedback


Read the storyboard:


Watch the video of the full experience:

To experience it:

download here


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